Report Center

Product Overview
Report Center is a complete production reporting software. It is designed for use with CCS chemical injection systems and CCS washer and dryer controls. If your washers are not equipped with CCS washer controls, CCS washer interface can be mounted on them. (Not all of those are needed for operation of Report Center.)

Flexible Reports
Reports made in the Report Center can be configured to show data in intervals that are limited to the exact minute and second. There is always a choice of generating a report for a particular machine or for all machines at once. Alerts can be configured for specific amount of time that machine is running longer or shorter than predicted.

Ease of Use
Reports that can be made in the Report Center include are divided in five modules: chemicals, washers, dryers, finishing equipment, and maintenance. First you chose a category by using menu bar at the top of the screen. From there you get a choice of reports that you can produce for the category you chose. Then you configure parameters for the report. Click on View Report or Print Report to see or print the report. That is it. If you have any problems configuring the reports, you can always ask for help by pressing F1. Help for the particular report-generating form that you are looking at is going to show up. Three pushbuttons pre-configured with often used configurations are also available for each report.

Reports Available
(Click the name of the report to view a sample.)

Cost by load how much money was spent on chemicals for each load in given period of time
Cost by washer how much money was spent on chemicals for each washer in specified time period
Cost by weight how much did the chemicals cost per unit of weight in the specified period of time
Cost of chemicals how much was spent on each chemical in specified period of time
Errors by chemical lists all errors that were connected to given chemical in specified time period
Events by chemical lists all events that were connected to given chemical in specified time period

Errors by washer lists all errors that were connected to given washer in specified time period
Events by washer lists all events that were connected to given washer in specified time period
Loads by washer how many loads of each formula have been washer by each washer in specified time period
Loads by formula how many loads of each formula was processed in given period of time
Run time by washer lists exact times when the formula started and ended, run time (how long did the formula run), and turnaround time (how long was machine idle between two loads), alerts on too long and too short run and turnaround times
Washer utilization chart gives run and turnaround times in a graphical layout, for easy overview

Errors by dryer lists all errors that were connected to given dryer in specified time period
Events by dryer lists all events that were connected to given dryer in specified time period
Loads by dryer how many loads of each formula have been dryer by each dryer in specified time period
Loads by formula how many loads of each formula was processed in given period of time
Run time by dryer lists exact times when the formula started and ended, run time (how long did the formula run), and turnaround time (how long was machine idle between two loads), alerts on too long and too short run and turnaround times
Dryer run analysis Creates a graph showing the inlet and outlet temperatures in the dryer during a formula.

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